The hidden secrets that will help you learn English in a weekend
Since you can read English, you could strive to perfect it in one weekend. It will not be easy to learn everything there is to learn in a weekend but if you work hard enough, it can be done. However, implement what you learn is probably the hardest part.
Speak English daily
Do not slip up and start using your native language. Even when you are with your own people, speak in English. If you do not have any way to speak English outside, do it at home. Watch T.V. or read a book and repeat out loud. Not speaking English will not help you learn. You have to use it to remember it!
Study it
Everyday, for at least one hour, study the language. Study the words, the history of the words, learn the grammatical rules etc. Even if you spend only half an hour a day, that will work. Think of your English skills as a piece of iron that will rust and break apart if you do not study and oil it.
Setting goals for yourself is a good way to learn English. Pick common everyday words, and decide to use them regularly by the end of the week or month. You could set any goal you want. This would also turn learning English into a challenge with yourself.
Be confident
Being confident means speaking English when you are outside, even if you are not good at it. Do not apologize for not being able to speak properly, instead ask for help and advise. It is essential to be confident or you will never have the guts to speak out in the open and you will never find out what your level of English is.
Keep a small notebook with you
While you are learning, it would be a good idea to keep a notebook with you at all times. Every time you come across a word that you do not understand, write it down! After that look for its meaning. At the end of your day, go through this list and learn the words on it. Try making sentences in which you can use these new words that you learned. This is a good practice because without writing down the words, chances are that you will forget them.
Learn to listen
Speaking in English outside with other people is not your only problem, you also have to learn to listen. Speaking and listening require two different parts of your body. You have to train your ears to listen to a new language and differential the words. Listen as much as you can. You could also read aloud and this way you would be listening to yourself.
Do not lose confidence
Learning anything new can be emotionally draining, but do not start thinking in a negative way. Instead of thinking “I can’t” think “I will”. Set a date, say a year or two years down the line, when you will be a fluent speaker, reader and writer in English.
Work hard
Everything requires hard work, even learning a language. It is important not to think of it as something that will occur in its own time. You can work hard and reduce your learning time.
Treat yourself
Motivation is the best tool! Treat you and your friends to dinner after you complete a particular goal. Also, ask your friends to test you. This way you will not only look forward to dinner with friends every weekend, but also completing goals on time.
To develop a vast vocabulary, use a thesaurus. Learn different words with the same meanings, and then use these words in a sentence. Here, you might also see a word that you find fascinating.
Group study
If you know other people trying to learn English, propose a group study. They always work better than trying to study alone. In the group, test each other using flashcards. This will not only be fun, but you will retain more when you are in a group.
Do not just learn new words, remember to learn their spellings as well. Spelling as important to learn pronunciations. However, many times in English the words are not always pronounced as they are spelled. I would suggest using an online source to perfect your pronunciations, and then writing each word while pronouncing it aloud. This would develop an association in your brain for the word.
Pay attention to idioms and colloquialisms
To talk as a native speaker talking in English, it is important to pay special attention to idioms and colloquialisms. Make a separate notebook for these and follow the same process as you use for the words.
Revise every word you have learned during the week on Sunday, or any other day. This way you make sure that the words stay with you. Remember to speak out loud so you hear yourself and your ears are trained to catch the word.
English movies and songs
Whenever you have time on your hands, watch an English movie. This way you will get used to the idea of listening to and speaking English. It will begin to seen like a natural language. Songs can be heard any time, so pick your favorite songs and play them. Pay attention to pronunciations. Do not use subtitles or you will not pay attention to what the person is saying. Books are for readings, when you are watching a movie, listen!
“Do It Right Now”: Steps to Start Improving instantly
Step 1: Pick a topic that is trending
Step 2: Decide on your opinion on the topic
Step 3: Prepare a speech on a pen and paper
Step 4: In a gathering of friends or family, make this speech!