Thursday, 24 September 2020

Daily use vocabulary to speak English


ABOUT- A little more or less than

ABOVE- higher than somebody or something

ABSOLUTE- complete

ABUNDANT- present in very large quantities or numbers

ACCESS- A way to enter a place

ACCUSE-say that somebody has done something wrong

ACHIEVE-do or finish something well after trying hard

ADAPT-change the way that you do things because you are in a new situation

ADORE-love somebody or something very much

ALTHOUGH-in spite of something

APPEAR-come and be seen

APPROPRIATE-coming near to somebody or something

ARROGANT-a person who is arrogant things that he or she is better or more important than other people

ARRIVAL-the act of coming to a place

AUSPICIOUS-something that is auspicious is likely to bring success in future

AWAKE-not sleeping

AWKWARD-not comfortable

BANISH-send someone out of their country as a punishment

BAREFOOT-with no shoes or socks on your feet

BARELY-almost not only just

BEAM-smile very happy 

BEHALF-on behalf of somebody or somebody's behalf; for somebody; in the place of somebody

BEHIND-add over to the back of somebody or something

BEHOLD-look at something rare or special

BETRAY-do something that harm somebody who trust you

BEWILDERED-if you are bewildered you do not understand something or you do not know what to do

BEYOND-on the other side of something

BITTER-with a sharp unpleasant taste

BLAZE OFF-a large strong fire

BLEAK-cold and grey

BLIZZARD-a very bad storm with snow


BLOB- a small drop of a thick liquid

CERTAIN - without any doubt

COMPASSION-having a strong feelings

CONTRARY-very different from something

CRUMBLE-break into very small pieces

CRUTCH-a long stick that you put under your arm to help you walk when you have hurt your leg

CUNNING-good at making people believe something that is not true

DEFEAT-when a fight or game against a person or group of people

DEFORMITY-a condition in which a part of the body is of an unusual shape because of injury or disease

DEPICT-show something with the help of a painting drawing or sculpture

DELIBERATELY-consciously and intentionally

DOMESTICATE-make a wild animal obey and work for you

ELABORATE-with a lot of different parts

ENTANGLED-caught in something

ERADICATE-get rid of something completely

FLATTER-try to please somebody by saying too many nice things about them that are not completely true

FRIGHTENED-make somebody feel afraid

GIGGLE-laugh in a silly way.

GLORIOUS- I wonderful or beautiful

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