easy and fast way to speak English
1. learn with your ears not with your eyes
that's right if you want to speak excellent English you have to listen.listening listening and more listening is the key to speaking excellent English. if you listen a lot, you are going to learn vocabulary. you will learn grammar.you will get faster at speaking and you will understand what people are saying to you.you will do all of this in a more natural and enjoyable manner. you will imitate the process that babies and small children use to learn a language.
2. I can understand written English perfectly
I hear this a lot from students who don't understand why they have great comprehension of written English but can't speak it well.one reason is because English conversation is quite different from English reading . conversation uses a different type of English, including different vocabulary.
3. learn English conversation
this is why listening is so important . listening provides the foundation for speaking. as your listening ability improves, it will pull your speaking ability up too. too many learners are focused solely on speaking and they neglect listening. however, what use is speaking if you can't understand other person?
another reason listening is important is because the dynamics of spoken english are completely different from those of the written language.
and most importantly, the speed is different. speech is fast. superfast. so fast that you have no time to think about translations or grammar rules, or text book lessons or pronunciation.
4. listening practice
to help students improve their listening, I often suggest an exercise known as the movie technique.to to this, you need to pick an English language movie that you enjoy.again, pic a fairly easy one where you will understand most of the words used. begin by watching the first scene. they should take about 3 to 5 minutes. turn on the English subtitles. as you go through it, pause if there is a something you don't understand. look up the meaning of the word of phrase in an idiomatic dictionary. watch the scene until you know all the words of it and understand.
the next day, watched the same scene again several times. once you understand the vocabulary , turn off the subtitles. then watch the scene again, listening without a subtitles. do this everyday for the next five days or so.
5. deep learning practice
pic and audio that's 10 minutes long. this is going to be your main audio for the week. listen to it a few times repeat this process every day for the next week. really commit yourself to mastering it will stop the idea is you are not trying to memorize it but rather to thoroughly know it. imagine that it's time to listen to and understand the audio, it is going deeper into your brain. it's like a seed you are planting in your mind. plant it deep and water it with many repeated listening.
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